Tips to Help Protect Color-Treated Hair

The dyeing procedure is not easy in itself: it is necessary not only to choose the right shade and the right materials but also to make sure that the hair subsequently looks as flawless as after a visit to the stylist. Moreover, in any season, hair has to withstand external factors: the sun and sea salt - in the summer, cold air and headgear - in the winter.

In the beauty salon, experts think about this, but at home, we have to worry about protecting our hair from dryness and brittleness. Serendipityhouse talked with professionals to find out how they resorted to taking care of dyed hair.

After the painstaking work of the master, the time and money spent on acquiring a luxurious look of hair, the result could quickly be lost. The beautiful color obtained with such difficulty must be protected - cared for and cherished. Your hair can quickly fade, change color, become brittle and lifeless. Colored hair is affected by water, high temperatures, hairdryers, ultraviolet, etc.

In order for your curls to keep bright overflows and a juicy shade, you need to take care of them. Try to follow a few rules.

How to keep the color and shine of dyed hair

  1. The first thing you can do is not to wash your hair for 48 hours after dying. After dying the hair in the salon, most of us consider it necessary to wash off that part of the dye that has been there somewhere in a visible place - on the forehead, near the ear. Thus, the pigments of the dye are washed out. However, if you wait two days, the pigments, interacting with oxygen, will be fixed in the hair, and later it becomes more difficult to wash them away.
  1. Use shampoos for colored hair to wash your hair.

Conventional shampoos incorporate sulfates, which, during washing, raise the hair scales and thoroughly wash them, and with it the pigments of the dye. You should choose Shampoos that do not contain such harmful content.Seredipityhouse brings you the shampoos that are made from natural ingredients.

  1. Within two weeks after dyeing, you should not use products for deep nutrition and hair restoration. Because their components, penetrating into the deep layers of the hair, replaces the dye. It is better to follow these procedures a week before staining.
  1. After staining, refrain from visiting the pool and sauna for two weeks. In the pool, bleach may have a negative effect on dyed hair. On the other hand, in the sauna, high temperatures can displace pigment from the hair. In addition, tap water can destroy not only the dye but also the hair itself. Wear waterproof caps in the pool, use special hair conditioners.
  1. Use hair moisturizers. Dying causes a thirst for moisture in the hair, it becomes drier. Moisturizers contain panthenol, vitamins that hold moisture inside the hair and protect against the negative effects of the sun, hot air, and tap water. Among these products are shampoos with moisturizing properties, conditioners, and various masks.
  1. Apply protective sprays to your hair.

Hairdryers and the sun can cause hair dye to evaporate. And thermo-protective sprays, creams, oils protect the hair from the effects of temperatures, retain moisture, enveloping the hair with a film, thereby preserving the color. In addition, wear beautiful hats that you can now choose for any look.

Hairdryers, curling irons, irons are the necessary beauty tools of a modern woman. However, refrain from all procedures associated with high temperatures for at least a week after hair dying. Use thermal protection equipment.

  1. Never wash your hair with hot water.

Hot water dries the scalp and washes hair dye much faster, it is better to use water at room temperature for washing, and a little cooler to condition the hair. In addition to those procedures that are easy to use on your own at home, you can contact the salon, where they will offer a variety of procedures for your choice.

All of them are aimed at smoothing hair scales, which makes it possible to preserve the dye longer, and hence the health of the hair. After all, hair color is not a good thing for hair health. And the more damaged the hair, the more difficult it is for the coloring dye to hold on.

But no matter how hard we try, the hair dye is washed off every time you wash your head. Shampoos for colored hair, without sulfates, contain fixing ingredients, but they do not solve the problem. Some women try to wash their hair less often, but this is also not a way out of a problem situation.

Some hairdressers advise dyeing hair “on a dirty head”, while others, on the contrary, “on a clean one”. In the first case, the explanation is that it is necessary for sensitive scalp, and in the second - that the dye falls on clean hair better.

By the way, almost all manufacturers claim the opposite, that the dye falls on “dirty hair” better. But one thing is important, that dyeing injures the hair, so you need to try to keep the dye longer, in other words, dye your hair less often.

Now that you know what care to take, get to know the main shampoos and moisturizers to intensify the treatment of the hair!

Which shampoo to use on dyed hair?

Starting with the basic process, the shampoo used has to be thought about the nature of the hair. As colored hair tends to dry out, the most suitable starting product is the Attitude moisturizing shampoo, which will prevent dryness. Shampoos that have salt tend to dry out even more. Stay away from these villains!

You can also use a product suitable for coloring, which helps maintain the color avoiding fading.

Which moisturizer to use on dyed hair?

For those with chemical hair, especially dye, the moisturizer has to be powerful! As the ammonia present in the product is very damaging to locks, the function of the moisturizer is to return water and lost nutrients.

One of the options is the Natulique Moisturizing Mask, which has high-quality components for deep hydration. Kerastase has efficient nutrition, reconstruction, and thermal protection masks, but the tip is to invest in treatment masks.

In addition, the brand presents products developed for all types of hair: fine, sensitive, thick, chemically treated, normal, among others. Your hair will thank you!

More than moisturizers, it is important to use conditioner and leave-in suitable for dry hair. Thus, the effect of shampoo and moisturizer will be enhanced.

And finally, we can only remember that hats are the best physical sunscreens there are and that if you follow a healthy diet and drink plenty of water your hair will be perfectly taken care of, whatever the temperature is. Mission accomplished!