What Should You Clean Once Every Year In Your House?

The most important thing to start the new year fresh: End-of-the-Year Deep Cleaning!

You're not alone if you've been putting off giving your house a good cleaning. The prospect of steaming our carpets or cleaning out our refrigerators makes many of us want to hide under the covers. We've got some professional advice on how often you should clean things and, more importantly, why, since we could all use some more encouragement to put on our rubber gloves.

Your house, it turns out, harbors more germs than a public garbage can. But it's not just your toilet seat that's contaminated with germs; researchers believe computer keyboards and microwaves are other potential sources. Are you motivated yet? Take some deep breaths and continue reading to learn how frequently you should clean your house.


For many years, it was widely assumed that heating food in a microwave oven was an excellent way to destroy microorganisms (and made it safe to eat). However, evidence indicates that microwaving food may not destroy microorganisms. Therefore, it's critical to maintain your microwave splash-free. We properly recommend wiping it down once a week, followed by a thorough cleaning twice a month. According to Today, you can even clean it with a homemade solution. Combine 1/2 cup of water and 1/2 cup of white vinegar in a microwave-safe dish and microwave on high until the window steams.

Finally, use a sponge to clean the interior. Easy.

Bed Linens

Surprisingly, new research suggests that your bedsheets aren't as filthy as you would believe. "We've done studies that show you don't receive as much exposure to dust mites [while] in bed as we formerly assumed," says Dr. Euan Tovey, chairman of the Woolcock Institute of Medical Research's Allergen and Upper Airways Group. Instead, he claims that dust mites attack you whenever you move, not only while you're lying in bed. But, before you stop cleaning your bedding, consider this: The outcomes differ based on your sleeping habits.


The toilet has a reputation for being one of the dirtiest parts of a bathroom, but recent research shows that it has nothing on your bathtub. Dr. Elizabeth Scott, co-director of Simmons College's Center for Hygiene and Health in the Home and Community, compared the germs she discovered in tubs to garbage cans. Believe us when we say that the findings are heinous. Scott discovered a dangerous skin infection-causing bacterium in 26% of the tubs examined, compared to only 6% of garbage cans. So, yeah, your bathtub is officially dirtier than the garbage can. The verdict: Clean your bathtub as frequently as you clean your toilet, ideally once a week.


Salad drawers, according to researchers, can contain salmonella, listeria, yeast, and mold, making them one of the most important areas to clean regularly. Don't wait don't a spring cleaning reminder


Do you eat your lunch at the office? On the other hand, computer keyboards are a breeding ground for germs. According to one research, keyboards retain five times the germs found on a toilet seat. According to CNN, 10% of individuals never clean their toilets. Set aside time every Friday to spray your desk with disinfectant spray. Remember to watch the mouse and wipe between the keys with an alcohol-soaked cotton swab.


Pillowcase coverings can help keep dust mites and daily filth out of your bed, but don't forget to wash the pillow itself. According to interior design expert Robin Wilson, every three months is optimum. Pillows should be replaced as often as every 6 months, depending on your allergies, but he adds that most people are OK keeping them for three years.


You may wash your linens regularly, but what about your mattress? According to Carolyn Forte of the Good Housekeeping Institute, mattress pads should be washed every two months, and you earn extra points for cleaning your mattress while the protector is in the washing machine. Her cleaning method? Sprinkle baking soda over the mattress to absorb odors, vacuum it, and then spray it with Lysol to kill bacteria.


We're sorry to break it to you. Vacuuming does not qualify as carpet cleaning. According to a study, not steaming your floors regularly may harm your health. "If you don't clean your floors, clean your curtains, and allow air inside regularly, indoor air quality may be eight to ten times worse than outside air quality," Wilson told HuffPost. But wait, there's more: According to another study, your carpet might hold up to 200,000 germs per square inch. Have we persuaded you yet? A professional steam cleaning should be done every six to twelve months or more frequently if you have a pet.


How frequently do you change your bath towels? If your answer is every one to two weeks, research shows that this is insufficient. Researchers discovered that washing your towel three times eliminates millions of dead skin cells (yes, you read that right). So to avoid that musty odor, wash hand towels every three days.

Kitchen Countertop

If you cook frequently, you probably already clean your kitchen surfaces daily. That's a good start, but there are a few essential areas to concentrate on. Countertops near the sink are the dirtiest, according to experts, since people use dirty sponges. The basic message is to wipe down surfaces regularly and replace your kitchen sponges and washcloths once a week.