Germiest Places in the Home

We all dream of having a gleaming and germ-free house, in which the law of minimum effort makes an appearance and allows us to keep it in order in a short time but, do you have any idea what are the places or objects with a greater amount of Germs inside your house? Do you use environmentally friendly products that help you eliminate most of those bacteria?

You don’t know that thousands of uninvited germs may be present in your home. We will help you identify the germiest places in the home and how to eliminate them.

The kitchen

It is the kitchen and not the bathroom, that is the dirtiest room in the house. It turns out that two-thirds of sponges and rags are a hotbed of microbes, including E. coli bacteria. The most contaminated areas are countertops, cutting boards, and a kitchen sink. And before you make yourself a cup of coffee, look into your coffee maker. It is a wonderful environment for mold formation.

Solution: To clean the coffee pot, fill it with equal parts of water and vinegar, and let it stand for 30 minutes and then rinse thoroughly. All kitchen sponges and rags must be changed at least every couple of weeks. You also try the Kitchen Sink Natural Cleansing Scrubber.


It is not surprising that the place where we get rid of dirt from our bodies is also quite dirty. Due to humidity after taking a bath or shower, it is an ideal medium for the spread of germs. One of the main culprits is a toothbrush. About 27% of coliform bacteria, as well as 14% of staph bacteria, live among its bristles. The faucet handles are also dirty, as we usually touch them with dirty hands before washing them.

Solution: Disinfect the faucet handles with a tissue or spray and replace toothbrushes every three months.


Keyboards, mobile phones, keys and pens are magnets for bacteria. In addition, many objects can touch these objects, which facilitates the transfer and spread of harmful microorganisms.

Solution: It is only advisable to wash your hands thoroughly with clean water and soap for at least 20 seconds several times a day.

Living room

Like the objects of your workplace, all electronic devices (and, of course, remote controls) are simply teeming with harmful bacteria. Do not forget about carpets and other floor coverings. We constantly bring dirt into the room on our shoes, making many household items a hotbed for germs.

Solution: Take off your shoes before entering the room. Use special bactericidal wipes to wipe surfaces.


Do not leave wrung laundry in the washing machine. Such an environment is simply Klondike for bacteria and germs. If, nevertheless, the clothes lay for some time in the typewriter, do not be too lazy to overturn it again.

Solution: Use disinfectant wipes and sprays to clean the surfaces of the machine and other surfaces where you put your laundry and clothes. Perform preventive cleaning of the washing machine.

Your pet's places

Perhaps no one carries bacteria in the house more than pets. Their food and water cups are also wonderful colonies of bacteria and germs. At risk are their toys: there you can find Escherichia coli, staphylococcus aureus, mold and yeast microorganisms.

Solution: Wash your pets soft toys monthly and wash hard toys with soap and hot water regularly. Bowls of animals should be washed daily with hot water and antibacterial soap.

TV remote

This is one of the favorite toys in children. A fairly common situation, when the baby grabs the remote control, tries it by the tooth, pokes at the buttons with his fingers, then puts them in his mouth.

How to protect yourself from germs that cause infections

  1. It should be remembered that microorganisms do not survive at very high temperatures and with humidity below 10 percent. Therefore, do not allow any things or objects to remain moist: bath curtains, dishwashing sponge, cutting boards, etc.
  2. In addition, some micro-organisms in unfavorable conditions form a dense shell - spores - and in this state can persist for years, and temperature and humidity are no longer important.
  3. When you come home, change your clothes so as not to carry "street" germs into your apartment.
  4. Do not place on the dining table or anywhere near food items that have traveled with you in the city: phone, keys, wallet, bag, etc.
  5. Most importantly, remember to wash your hands when you come off the street and pet your cat or dog before eating. And teach the child to do it. Compliance with this simple rule significantly reduces the risk of infection and any unpleasant consequences for health.
  6. Use natural and environment-friendly cleaning agents to clean your home.