7 Essential Care For The Newborn At Home

To take care of the newborn baby at home, the parents need to devote a lot of time to the baby, as he is very small and fragile and needs a lot of attention.


Parents should, therefore, take some basic care to maintain the newborn baby's comfort and ensure he grows strong and healthy such as: feeding correctly, changing his diaper frequently, and bathing at least 3 times a week.


The following explains the 7 essential cares for caring for the newborn baby in the best possible way at home:


1. How to prepare the baby's room

The baby's room should be simple and always clean to avoid the accumulation of dust and bacteria that are harmful to health. The essential and recommended equipment for the room is:


  • 1 changing mat to change the diaper and easily dress and undress the baby;
  • 1 comfortable chair or armchair for the mother to breastfeed;
  • 1 closet for the baby's clothes and bedding;
  • 1 cot or bed, which should have a waterproof mattress and cotton sheets and blankets and the rails with spacing less than 6 cm.


In addition, the room should be spacious and airy, maintaining a comfortable temperature, which can vary between 20º C and 22º C. The floor should not have rugs or many toys, mainly plush, because they accumulate more dust, facilitating the appearance of allergies.


2. How to dress the newborn properly

The baby's clothes should be made of cotton, without ribbons, hair, elastics, or buttons. If possible, you should wear 2 separate pieces, such as a blouse and pants, because it is easier to dress and change.


To avoid irritation to the baby's skin, all labels should be cut and only one more piece of clothing should be worn. For example, if the parents are wearing 2 blouses, the baby should have 3. In winter the outer clothing should be wool, as it is warmer and the summer clothing should be all cotton, as it helps the skin breathe better.


Also, the baby's clothes should be washed separately from the adults' clothes and the drying should be done, ideally, in the dryer because it makes it softer. If you prefer to leave your clothes to dry naturally, your baby's clothes should be dried inside to avoid catching pollution from outside. 


3. How to bathe the baby

The newborn should bathe 3 times a week and whenever it is dirty and the bath should be done only with water during the first 15 days. From then on, soap with a neutral pH and without alcohol can be used and it is not necessary to use shampoo, washing the hair with the same product for the body.


To carry out your newborn's hygiene it is necessary:


  • Bathtub, shantala bucket or hot tub with a maximum of 20 cm of water at 37º;
  • Compressed and saline solution to clean the eyes and nose;
  • A soft, hairless towel;
  • Scissors with round tips, in case it is necessary to cut the nails;
  • Brush or comb for the hair;
  • Change of clothes, which should remain open and arranged in the order in which they will be dressed;
  • 1 clean diaper to change;


Creams, only in some cases, for dry skin or for nappy erythema, for example.

The bath should be quick, not exceeding 10 minutes. So as not to alter the composition of the baby's skin and can be given at any time of the day except after breastfeeding.


4. How to clean the baby's navel or the umbilical stump

The umbilical stump, which is the rest of the umbilical cord that remains in the baby's navel, must be disinfected at least once a day after bathing. To clean it, follow the step-by-step procedure:


  • Put 70º alcohol in a sterile compress;
  • Hold the stump clip with one hand;
  • Clean the umbilical stump of the region with the skin for the clip, passing the compress only once and throwing it in the trash afterward.


After the umbilical cord has fallen, continue cleaning with saline solution until it is completely dry and without wound and keep the diaper folded below the navel, to prevent urine or feces from reaching the navel and causing an infection.


5. What should the feeding be like

The newborn is normally fed through breast milk which is the best food for the healthy development of the baby. However, in some cases, the newborn needs to be fed artificial milk:



The baby should breastfeed whenever he wants, so there is no defined frequency for breastfeeding. However, it is common for the baby to be hungry every 2 or 3 hours during the day, and should not spend more than 4 hours without eating, even at night.


Each feeding takes an average of 20 minutes, being faster at first and then slower.


The mother can breastfeed while sitting or lying down, the important thing is that the mother feels comfortable and that the baby is able to get an adequate breast grip.


Bottle with artificial milk

When the woman does not produce enough milk or when the baby has some other specific need, it may be necessary to give artificial formula besides the breast milk. However, the use of artificial milk should only be started after the pediatrician’s indication.


To give the baby bottle it is necessary to prepare the milk and, for this, it is necessary:


  • Boil water for 5 minutes;
  • Pour the water into the bottle and allow it to cool down to room temperature;
  • Pour the milk into the bottle and allow it to cool to room temperature; Pour the powdered milk into the bottle, and 1 shallow spoonful corresponds to 30 ml of water;
  • Shake the bottle until the liquid is homogeneous;
  • Give the milk to the newborn baby in a cup or bottle. And, to give it, support the head and the back in the arm and keep the baby in a semi-sitting position, keeping the teat filled with milk.

In the end, the baby should be placed to erect, to release the excess air that may be in the stomach. To do this, place the baby upright and pat him on the back.

6. How to understand why your baby is crying

Crying is the main way that the baby has to alert the parents of some discomfort, such as a dirty diaper, hunger, or fear. Therefore, knowing how to identify the type of crying is important to be able to calm the baby more quickly.


To understand crying, one must pay attention to the sound and movements of the baby's body, which normally helps to identify the reason for crying.

Reason for crying

Choro description

Pain or colic

A short, high-pitched cry, very loud, for a few seconds without crying but with a red face and hands closed, which does not stop you from even holding yourself. The pain can be caused by colic, which is more common for up to 4 months, especially in babies who drink artificial milk.


She sobs and moves her head to the sides, keeping her mouth open.

Fear of boredom

He whimpers but calms down when talking to him or holding him.


It is a typical cry at the end of the day and the newborn cries, moaning and frowning.


Some ways that can help to calm the newborn include looking for a calm environment, having a massage, breastfeeding, or wrapping it in a blanket.


7. How to keep the newborn safe

The best way to keep the newborn safe on the site is to never leave him alone, as he is still very small and fragile. However, other important security measures include:

  • Always check the temperature of any object or food that comes into contact with the baby, to avoid burns;
  • Always lay the baby on its back,  touching the bottom of the bed with its feet and keeping the bedding attached to the baby's armpit, to avoid suffocation;
  • In the car, put the seat in the back seat, preferably in the middle seat, with your back to the direction of traffic and in the case of the car having only 2 seats, the child can be transported ahead, however it is necessary to disable the airbag system ;
  • Avoid contact with animals with fur, as it can cause respiratory allergies.

All these cares help the newborn to be safe and to grow in a healthier way, avoiding the appearance of complications and even some diseases.