Refresh your home to welcome guests in CNY

We are arriving in January, a month more than special for Chinese people, without a doubt. From this time the countdown starts for the Chinese New Year's Eve parties and gatherings.

These dates carry many noble expectations and feelings. Christmas brings the spirit of love, solidarity, fraternity, and companionship. The Chinese New Year is marked by the feeling of the beginning of a new phase, of renewal, prosperity, hope and, of course, we all want to start on the right foot.

This moment is also perfect for preparing the house for parties, as it allows you to leave aside the rush of everyday life and welcome all your loved ones, like family and friends, into your home. But in order not to make this occasion stressful, it is important to organize and plan.

Therefore, below we list several tips for you to prepare the house for the incredible parties and make them a unique moment.

Make the guest list

First, it is necessary to consider the complete profile of the guests: will this be a more relaxed or formal event? Are the people you would like to celebrate with close or is it more general? Will the number of people be large or small?

Remember when preparing the house for the parties you must take into account the size of the place, so everyone will be comfortable.

After these decisions, it is important to ask them to confirm their presence up to five days before the party.  It will help you prepare yourself with the organization of the table and the amount of food and drinks. However, always be ready for last-minute changes.

Delegate tasks

It is not right to prepare the house for the holidays and not enjoy it, as it is no secret that the host may end up overwhelmed.

For that reason, don't be shy about telling each guest what they should contribute. Sharing tasks will get everyone involved and don't get too heavy for anyone! It can be with a special dish, a drink and, for the most intimate, it is even worth asking for help in tidying up the house.

Time to make adjustments in the house

Does the venue have the conditions you would like to receive your guests? Take the opportunity to make quick repairs like covering some holes, painting the walls, changing the furniture and making the garden.

Refresh your space

Especially in winter, your house can feel locked up between keeping the windows closed, curtains and things that you let accumulate. When you start to refresh your home little by little you start feeling stressed or anxious and you don't know why. Before making a dramatic change, start ventilating your entire house. Take a day with good weather and open the windows wide. This will make your task a lot easier. 

Clean up everything that is in disarray

If your new year's resolution was to be a master of cleaning and organization, you are already an expert. And if you're not yet an expert, start with a small task: those objects that begin to accumulate as soon as you enter your house: the keys, receipts, shoes. Return everything to its place.

Remove obstacles

You can interpret this idea in several ways. Removing an obstacle can be something physical like a piece of furniture that you have to dodge and interrupts the natural flow between the rooms. And also a kind of mental obstacles, such as not allowing you to use the colors you really want in your decoration. Think about it, it's time to remove both. Changing the arrangement of the furniture in your living room or your bedroom will make you feel like in a new space.

Something natural

Take up that has a connection with nature within your space. They can be from seasonal flowers, plants, aromatic herbs or tree branches. Adding these elements to your home in a place where you can see them will make you feel in touch with nature. 

Nature and green plants always refresh the human eye. So it would be a great idea to have a touch of nature within your home. You will also need to keep an air purifier where it is necessary. Seredipityhouse has a natural air purifier that will make your task easier. 

Adjust the small details

You might think that a big change always means a lot of movement, but it's not always like that. Many times it is necessary to just walk around your house to make small adjustments, such as straightening the pictures, some books or accessories out of place. Thus, all those small details make a difference in your decoration and have a significant impact on the beauty of your home.

Cleaning Home

Preparing the house for parties with heavy cleaning is already a tradition for most families. But don't forget that it will be essential to clean not only before, but also after the event. If you don’t want to do it yourself or lack a helping hand then a super valid tip is to hire an outsourced service.


Before - Heavy cleaning:

  • Wash the tiles and don't forget to pay special attention to the grouts.
  • It's time to take everything that is stored inside the cabinets out and put it to wash. You need to clean everything like kitchen utensils, decorations or clothes. Just don't forget to clean the closet. Take the opportunity to donate or throw away anything that doesn't match your style.
  • To get a refreshing feeling you can try the natural dish cleaner to refresh your kitchen.
  • In addition to that good scrubbing on the floor, take the time to wax and do everything necessary to make your home cleaner and better organized.
  • Now is the time to pay attention to the corners that are forgotten.


  • Exclusive waste bins are necessary so that you can separate recyclable waste and organic waste.


  • Give priority to the cleaning of the most "critical" rooms, which will probably be the room where everyone stayed most of the top, the kitchen, and the bathrooms.

You can apply these to refresh your home before welcoming your guests in CNY. And to help you find the final touch, visit to get everything you need to refresh your home.