The importance of sunscreen

Do you want to have young and healthy skin for much longer? Daily photoprotection is the ideal way! What's more, using a sunscreen every day still helps to combat premature aging, dryness, excessive oiliness, blemishes, and even skin cancer. 


In today's article, you will understand more about the importance and advantages of sunscreen, in addition to discovering which is the most suitable for your skin type. Keep reading!


What is the importance of sunscreen?

Regardless of the temperature or climate of the day, applying sunscreen should be a routine for everyone. After all, the benefits are numerous not only for your skin but for the entire body. Therefore, in order to understand the importance of sunscreen, we have listed some of the main reasons.

Prevents skin diseases

Enjoying the sun in a park, beach or pool is very common, especially in regions where temperatures are generally higher. However, it is essential to know how to take advantage of exposure to the sun in the correct way, after all, it is the UVA / UVB rays that are mainly responsible for skin diseases.


Skin aging is related to several factors such as exposure to pollution and sun exposure, for example. The latter causes dryness of the skin, which results in dehydration, flaccidity, and the appearance of wrinkles and expression lines. In addition, UVA and UVB rays have a cumulative effect on the skin and are able to penetrate it deeply, so they end up causing spots, spots, and freckles.


To keep your skin protected, the first step is to add sunscreen to your skincare list, as well as cleansing and toning your skin, it must also be a daily habit! Choosing the right product is very important to avoid problems such as pimples, blackheads, and dryness.


For everyday use, for example, colored sunscreen is a great option, as it protects your face from the harmful effects of sunlight, guarantees the disguise of possible imperfections, and also prevents damage from visible light, uniting health with the beauty of your skin. The ideal is to choose a sunscreen that best suits your skin type and the coverage you want.


One of the first warning signs regarding sun exposure is the appearance of spots on the body. Which means that protection is not being done properly. With sunscreen, you ensure that your skin is always protected and healthy.


In addition, some products have a drying action, controlling the oiliness of your skin, which can be another factor to ensure that pimples do not appear regularly on your face, for example.

Prevents aging

The aging of the skin is directly related to contact with the sun's rays, which can damage the natural production of collagen, for example, reducing the firmness of skin tissue. Consequently, it increases the expression marks and also the formation of wrinkles.


Aging is natural for human beings and we cannot avoid it, however, it is possible to reduce the impacts of external factors in this process. By using sunscreen correctly, it will guarantee the health of your skin.


What factors to take into account when choosing the Sunscreen?

As each person has a skin type and different backgrounds, there are different types of sunscreens. That is, you can find one that fits exactly what you are looking for. Therefore, in order to make the best choice when it comes to protecting your body, it is essential to know what are the most important factors.


The oiliness of the skin should also be another point analyzed in the decision, with oil-free versions being indicated for those who already suffer, for example, from acne and pimples. Thus, the filters end up guaranteeing the skin dry and protected from the sun's rays.


It is also important to understand what your goal is with sunscreen. After all, to go to the beach, perhaps an option with a higher SPF is ideal since you will be more exposed to the sun. For the day to day, a facial sunscreen can already be quite useful for the health of your skin.


What precautions should you take when applying sunscreen?

For the use of sunscreen to be, in fact, efficient, it is necessary to take some precautions when applying the product to your body. The basic and mandatory action is, fifteen minutes before exposing yourself to the sun and with dry skin, apply the protector directly to the skin, which will be enough to not suffer damage by sunlight.


Regardless of which version you are using - spray or cream - the ideal scenario is to spread the protector with your hands after application, ensuring that all areas of your body are covered and no part is left unprotected. 


Despite the effectiveness of the sunscreen, it is necessary to pay attention to the reapplication of the product, an unusual practice in leisure environments and that can harm your skin. After all, many people believe that once in the body, the filter will continue to work even with sweat, water, or the weather itself.


However, this is not how it works. Reapplication is essential to ensure efficient protection during the entire time of exposure to the sun. Whenever you enter the water, for example, you need to reapply the product. The ideal is to apply the protector every two hours.


Sunscreen is, without a doubt, a product that should be part of everyone's routine, regardless of the type of skin or the time of daily exposure to the sun. Only with the correct application of this product is it possible to guarantee healthier skin for you and your family.


Remove the sunscreen properly

Like other products you apply to your skin, sunscreens must also be removed correctly. The Natural Anti-allergic Infant Sunscreen Remover sanitizes the skin and helps to remove impurities, makeup residues, and pollution present on the skin. Its gel texture acts perfectly in the removal. It is a product totally free of oils, has antioxidant action, and is indicated for all skin types.


Now that you know the importance of sunscreen in your routine, how about checking out some product options that fit what you're looking for? Check out our store and find the ideal one for your day-to-day!